November 30, 2007

Alcohol manufacturers forced to put warning labels on all products

Thursday morning Heidi Scottson was pulled over and arrested when taking her two children to school. The officer that pulled her over said she was driving recklessly and blew a 0.23% BAC. "I felt bad for her. She said she had no idea the vodka she drank would make her drunk and didn't know that is was illegal to drive while intoxicated. But, it is the law and I still had to take her in." Scottson is outraged for being forced to pay a $500 fine. She has appealed the courts, claiming she had no idea alcohol would make her drunk. Her claims have not gone unnoticed. The supreme court has ruled that all alcohol manufacturers include a warning label on every single one of their products. Scottson succeeded with the appeal and the fine has been waived.


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