December 1, 2007

World's most successful bum

Many people dream of success. Students pay tens of thousands of dollars to go to universities where they earn a degree to qualify them for a career to obtain financial security for their futures. But being prepared is not always the best route to take to make your dreams a reality. Robert Foster, a 48 year old born and raised in New York City, has clearly disproven the formal education theory. Foster has never been to school of any kind in his entire life, yet he makes enough money to live his life comfortably. Foster is a hard working man, constantly finding new ways to earn money, collecting pop bottles out of trash cans, begging on the street corner, gambling, and mugging helpless grandmothers. Foster's achievements have allowed him to purchase a brand new cardboard box (10 sq. feet 1 bedroom refrigerator box) with his summer box located on the New York docks with a pleasant ocean view. Last year (2006) Foster's gross earnings totaled more than $39, more than 5 times that of an illegal Mexican immigrant.* Foster's new book titled "Living on Easy Street in a cardboard box" will be released in early 2008. In the book Foster describes his life and what struggles he had to go through to make it to where he is today. Foster is an inspiration, and is truly living the American dream.

*Data used with permission of Robert Foster


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